Diet and exercise myths and studies
Diet and exercise. Everyone seems to be over weight these days, including me. If you pick up a consumer magazine or health journal, obesity (or obesity links to poverty and crime) seems to be the meal ticket (pardon the pun) for social workers, nutritionists and medical writers.
Losing weight is no problem. Maintenance is. Most medical reports only go to 18 months for “success” stories. I lost 20 lbs. In October 2006-March 2007. Travel is broadening, and in 2006 we went to Finland, Russia, California, an architectural tour, and to Michigan. We ate a lot of good food. I gained a few pounds back in Ireland that fall, a few pounds in Italy the next year, and a few in our Holy Land tour in 2009. Since 2010 it’s been a hopeless climb back to my 2006 weight. In fact, I’d be happy to weigh what I did in 2009.
The June 27 issue of JAMA has another comparison of plans, and STEP, or a stepped care weight loss program does better than the standard behavior mod plan. However, “The findings do not answer the question of how to achieve weight loss in a manner that will be appealing enough to the participants in long term sustained weight loss." (p. 2641). Really? Who knew?
Eat less, move more. It always works.
Cross posted at Collecting my Thoughts
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