Hugging and Chalking

This blog is about obesity and the inanity/insanity it spawns, the encroaching lawsuits and growing diet industry. Obesity is a matter of genes and personal responsibility. You can have an endocrine problem, or you can have a balance problem (too many calories and too little exercise). It’s not where you eat, but how much you eat; it’s not McDonald’s fault, or Mama’s fault, or Washington’s fault if your body is too fat or too thin. Rosabelle.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Warning: Halloween candy may cause obesity

But you can have the kiddos sign this waiver as you pass out the candy.

" Trick or Treater acknowledges and understands that no warranty, either expressed or implied, is made by Neighbor as to the nutritional content of said Halloween treat. This document is offered in order to duly warn Trick or Treater that without a corresponding increase in energy output, weight-related conditions, risks, and hazards may lurk in candy bars, caramel apples, candy corn, cider, pixie sticks, lollipops, popcorn balls, chocolate and any or all other “treats” that may be served.

Trick or Treater is hereby informed that Neighbor’s food may contain any of the following: calories, carbohydrates, sodium (salt), fat, saturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, peanuts, sugar, and gobbledy goodness.

Trick or Treater acknowledges that eating Neighbor’s treats in conjunction with other sweets (both up to and exceeding a pillowcase worth) may incur risks including, but not limited to, chocolate craving satiation, sugar high, furry teeth, and that icky tummy feeling."


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